'); print('Computer electronics'); print('Part numberProductCompanyPrice'); //declare variable to count records $rowcount = 0; //get path to file asumming that file located in datafeed folder $path_to_file="datafeed/filetoread.csv"; //open file for reading "r" $handle = fopen($path_to_file, "r"); //read file line by line. Enter tab between quotation marks while (($record = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, " ")) !== FALSE) { // read number of fields in one record $numrecords = count($record); //display all fields for debugging, to know which data is in which field. for($i=0; $i<$numrecords; $i++) { echo $i.":".$record[$i]."
"; } //read field values in variable $part_number=$record[0]; $item=$record[1]; $company=$record[2]; $clicklink=$record[3]; $price=$record[4]; //skip the first record since it has field headers only if($rowcount > 0) { //if record has link to item display it in the table row if($record[3] !="") { print(''.$company.''.$part_number.''.$item.''.$price.''); } } $rowcount++; } fclose($handle); print(''); ?>