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C++ Programming by Example: Key computer programming concepts for beginners. Kindle edition
By Sergey Skudaev

C++ Programming by Example: Key computer programming concepts for beginners. Paperback

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// poet.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

#include "stdafx.h"
// Program writes rhymed poem: 4 lines from words chosen randomly

void Initialize(char noun1[][20], char verb1[][20], char adj1[][20]);
char *ReturnThreeFromTheRight(char*string);
int IsRhymes(char *word1, char *word2);
void WritePoem(char noun1[][20], char verb1[][20], char adj1[][20]);

void main()
	char noun1[7][20];
	char adj1[7][20];
	char verb1[3][20];

	Initialize(noun1, verb1, adj1);

	WritePoem(noun1, verb1, adj1);

	int hold = 1;
	std::cin >> hold;

void Initialize(char noun1[][20], char verb1[][20], char adj1[][20])
	char * noun[] = { "switch", "grain", "goat", "witch","deal","food","stool", "toad", "fate", "feet",
		"knish", "meal", "meat","mood", "wolf", "house", "rain", "sleet", "train", "golf",
		"skate", "tool", "wood", "wish", "peat", "mouse", "pitch", "chain", "boat", "squeal",
		"drool", "pool","plate", "beet","catfish", "seat","rolf","grouse","coat","woad","road","food"};

	char *verb[] = { "flew on", "jumped off", "ran over","rolled over","jumped on","crushed","made happy","left with","scared off","wished for","ate","caught","sought for", "twisted", "gulped down", "tricked", "punched", "stuck", "smiled to", "laughed at", "knocked off","broke", "swallowed" };

	char *adj[] = { "great","red", "blue","yellow","gray","funny","smart","silly","brave","dangerous","little","jealous", "strong","pale", "furious", "green", "big", "cool", "greedy", "vicious" };

	int i, k, l, j, n;


	i = rand() % 41;
	strcpy_s(noun1[0], noun[i]);

	i = rand() % 40;
	strcpy_s(noun1[1], noun[i]);

	i = rand() % 39;
	strcpy_s(noun1[3], noun[i]);

	i = rand() % 38;
	strcpy_s(noun1[4], noun[i]);

	for (k = 0; k<42; k++)
		if (IsRhymes(noun1[1], noun[k]))
			strcpy_s(noun1[2], noun[k]);

	if (strcmp(noun1[1], noun1[2]) == 0)
		for (n = 41; n >0; n--)
			if (IsRhymes(noun1[1], noun[n]))
				strcpy_s(noun1[2], noun[n]);

	for (k = 0; k<42; k++)
		if (IsRhymes(noun1[4], noun[k]))
			strcpy_s(noun1[5], noun[k]);

	if (strcmp(noun1[4], noun1[5]) == 0)
		for (n = 41; n >0; n--)
			if (IsRhymes(noun1[4], noun[n]))
				strcpy_s(noun1[5], noun[n]);

	i = rand() % 19;
	strcpy_s(verb1[0], verb[i]);

	i = rand() % 10;
	strcpy_s(verb1[1], verb[i]);

	i = rand() % 19;
	strcpy_s(adj1[0], adj[i]);

	i = rand() % 18;
	strcpy_s(adj1[1], adj[i]);

	i = rand() % 17;
	strcpy_s(adj1[2], adj[i]);

	i = rand() % 16;
	strcpy_s(adj1[3], adj[i]);

	i = rand() % 15;
	strcpy_s(adj1[4], adj[i]);

	i = rand() % 14;
	strcpy_s(adj1[5], adj[i]);

	for (j = 0; j <42; j++)
		if (IsRhymes(noun1[2], noun[j]))
			strcpy_s(noun1[3], noun[j]);

	if (strcmp(noun1[2], noun1[3]) == 0)
		//std::cout << "The same word" << std::endl;
		for (l = 41; l>0; l--)
			if (IsRhymes(noun1[2], noun[l]))
				strcpy_s(noun1[3], noun[l]);

char *ReturnThreeFromTheRight(char*string)
	char *ptr;
	int length;

	ptr = string;

	length = strlen(string);

	ptr = ptr + (length - 3);

	return ptr;

int IsRhymes(char *word1, char *word2)
	int i;

	char *ptr1, *ptr2;

	ptr1 = word1;
	ptr2 = word2;

	ptr1 = ReturnThreeFromTheRight(word1);

	ptr2 = ReturnThreeFromTheRight(word2);

	if (strcmp(ptr1, ptr2) == 0)

		i = 1;
		i = 0;
	return i;

void WritePoem(char noun1[][20], char verb1[][20], char adj1[][20])
	std::cout << "A " << adj1[0] << " " << noun1[0] << " like a " << adj1[1] << " " << noun1[1] << std::endl;
	std::cout << verb1[0] << " a " << adj1[2] << " " << noun1[2] << std::endl;
	std::cout << " A " << adj1[3] << " " << noun1[3] << " like a " << adj1[4] << " " << noun1[4] << std::endl;
	std::cout << verb1[1] << " a " << adj1[5] << " " << noun1[5] << std::endl;
	std::cout << '\n';
	std::cout << '\n';